Camberwell College of Arts
Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design
Chelsea College of Art and Design
London College of Communication
London College of Fashion
Wimbledon College of Art

艺术家航海探险之旅 An Inspiring Sailing Expedition for Artists


What Has To Be Done brings together a group of individuals from a wide range of disciplines, professions and organisations with a clear commitment to strategically profile a concern for our environment in relation to arts education curriculum and policy.

Its starting point is a journey around the Western Isles of Scotland on the tall ship the Lady of Avenel in Summer 2014. The expedition will provide the basis for dialogue and exchange that will lead to a strong network of interest and commitment to embedding environmental issues in the various teaching, learning and professional environments of those participants involved. An expedition also provides a unique opportunity for promoting a cross disciplinary dialogue and for exploring individual creative interests in a most stunning and inspiring part of the world on an equally inspiring vessel The Lady of Avenel.

The project builds on the work done by organisations such as Cape Farewell and references previous expeditions such as the Edinburgh Arts voyage on The Marques in 1980 on a similar route, and the individual initiatives, academic programmes and research activities of those participants on the trip. What Has To Be Done will explore ways that various disciplines and higher education institutions involved can address the changing environment, arguably one of the most pressing issues of our time.

The Demarco European Art Foundation (, the originator of Edinburgh Arts is a key partner in this venture along with Cape Farewell ( an artist run organisation with considerable experience in raising the profile of climate change through expeditions to the High Arctic Region and more recently in the Scottish islands. Cape Farewell has and continues to pioneer a cultural response to climate change.

A key aspect of the voyage will question the ‘role of the artist’ in relation to addressing environmental concerns. The title and name of the voyage, “What has to be done?” refers back specifically to the question What is to be done? posed by the German artist Joseph Beuys in 1980, with regard to how he saw the relationship between nuclear power and alternative technology. Beuys, through the radical and visionary work of Edinburgh Arts, embarked on and led a similar voyage with artists on the tall ship The Marques.


此次“须有作为”航海起点是环游苏格兰西部群岛,2014年夏天我们搭乘Lady of Avenel号全速航行,这次航海为日后的艺术对话与交流提供了基础,这也将引导一支强大的人群加入对环境问题的关注,其中包括来自各包含环境在内的各种研究人员参与。这次航海的目的地是如此令人鼓舞人心,我们搭乘了令人惊叹的Lady of Avenel号帆船,通过此行,为促进交叉学科的对话和探索个人创造性的重要性提供了一个独特的机会。

此次“须有作为”航海项目建立在Cape Farewell组织工作的基础上,借鉴了由1980年德国艺术家约瑟夫.博伊斯 Joseph Beuys组织的爱丁堡艺术航海之旅,他们搭乘的是The Marques帆船,同时此次“须有作为”是从Joseph Beuys组织的航海活动参与者的首创精神、学术项目和研究课题中吸取了经验。而此次“须有作为”的主题考察将涉及各种学科,高等教育机构,来探索应对环境变化,环境问题等这个时代最紧迫的问题。

德马科欧洲艺术基金会The Demarco European Art Foundation( 与Cape Farewell艺术组织( 一起是此次“须有作为”航海之旅的重要合作伙伴,Richard Demarco是德马科欧洲艺术基金会的创始人;Cape Farewell是由艺术家运行的艺术组织,旨在通过探索北极高地地区和苏格兰岛屿,来明确气候变化等带来的问题,Cape Farewell艺术组织开拓性的一直致力于并将持续关注气候变化及提倡对气候变化的文化响应等问题。

“艺术家的角色”是此次航海的一个关键问题,此次航海的主题和名字为“须有作为”,其主旨是针对所讨论的问题可以采取的措施是什么? 这个主题最初由德国艺术家约瑟夫.博伊斯Joseph Beuys于1980年提出,当时针对的问题是关于他如何看待核能和替代技术之间的关系,博伊斯通过在爱丁堡有远见和激进的艺术工作, 组织和领导了一次艺术家的航海活动,当时他们搭乘的是The Marques帆船。

Richard Demarco, CBE, 大英帝国勋章获得者,他是“须有作为”主题活动的组织者和推动者之一,同时他是The Demarco European Art Foundation艺术基金会的创始人。
约瑟夫.博伊斯 Joseph Beuys,德国著名艺术家,以雕塑为其主要创作形式。被认为是20世纪70、80年代欧洲前卫艺术最有影响的领导人,他在七十年代享受着政治预言者完美名誉的一位美术家。此次“须有作为”的主题最初由德国艺术家约瑟夫.博伊斯Joseph Beuys于1980年提出,当时针对的问题是关于他如何看待核能和替代技术之间的关系,博伊斯通过在爱丁堡有远见和激进的艺术工作中, 组织和领导了一次艺术家的航海活动,当时他们搭乘的是The Marques帆船。

这次探险之旅也将是艺术家团队合作和创作之旅!全程的航海体验激发灵感, 将在航程结束后,在伦敦和北京举行大型艺术展览,完美呈现艺术家的奇思妙 想!同时,唤醒世人对海洋和自然资源的关注!

Richard Demarco和Joseph Beuys 1970年在爱丁堡一起讲笑话,摄影:George Oliver (1970)

Richard Demarco先生第一天和最后一天在Oban港口专门等候我们,两次见到他,他每次要给大家发表一段关爱地球,保护环境,艺术家责任的言辞,启发艺术家的创作思维,是的,我们应该关注环境了,特别是北京。





