伦艺动态 | 伦敦艺术大学新生勾云之作品展示

这个项目的灵感来自于家庭主妇的现实生活,因为女性缺乏教育。 我做了一系列的插图,让年轻女性意识到自我独立的重要性。 我最初的灵感来自一个农村女孩的研究,她不得不辍学做家务,帮助她的家庭。 所以我选择了布、衣架等具有象征意义的家居用品来体现家庭主妇的生活。   

Clothes Hanger
The inspiration of this project comes from the housewife’s real life due to the lack of women education. I made a series of illustration to make young women aware of the importance of self independent. I am initially inspired by the research of the young village girl who have to drop out school to do housework and help her family. Therefore, I chose such symbolic household items as cloth and coat hanger to reflect the life of a housewife. 
