
2022-08-12 来源:伦敦艺术大学北京代表处

  • 如学生已获得签证,并被告知需要前往警察局注册,可忽略此要求。
  • Any applicant who has been issued with a visa which states they need to register can ignore this requirement.
  • 如学生之前到警察局完成登记,后有信息变更也无需前往警察局进行信息修改。
  • Any applicant who has previously registered with the police in relation to an earlier visa, needs to take no action.

  • 线上预约警察局注册页面已在官网撤销。
  • The webpage for the overseas visitor records office, which is where applicants would normally book an appointment, has now been taken down. This change will also be reflected on the Gov.uk website shortly.