
2022-10-21 来源:伦敦艺术大学北京代表处


伦敦时装学院的IPF和IISF时尚预科意在招收在Fashion Design, Fashion Media and Fashion Business 方面有潜力的学生,希望在作品集中看到学生多方面的能力,同时所有作品均需为学生独立完成的真实作品。(如果其中一个任务完成有困难,可以重点完成其他任务)
 Task 1:
Personal Statement 800字以内
  • Your education history to date.
  • Any relevant experience you have outside of your studies.
  • How your interest in fashion has developed.
  • Why you would like to study this course.
  • Your hopes and plans for the future.
 可以1页PDF 上传,或直接粘贴到PebblePad其中一个文本框。
 Task 2:

Make individual drawings by hand, of eight items from your wardrobe. These could be items of clothing, accessories, footwear etc.
Four drawings should be by pencil only and show details of seams and construction. Four should be in colour or mixed media. Your items can be on a hanger or freestanding. You do not need to include bodies and must not use digital drawing tools.
 Task 3:
“自拍照”5 张

Create five ‘selfie’ pictures that show your creative approach to contemporary fashion imagery. These pictures should communicate a fashion statement and something unique to you.
Think about how you can reflect your personal aesthetic, personality, culture and more in your images. We want to see your creative style.
 Task 4:

Write approximately 300 words to describe a new idea for a fashion concept. Introduce it and explain what makes it new and unique.

Your concept could be a new brand, shop or product, and it should represent a gap in the market for contemporary fashion. If relevant, you can use images to support your idea.

可以1页PDF 上传,或直接粘贴到PebblePad其中一个文本框。
  • Observational drawings
  • Composition pieces
  • 3D work such as clothing or accessories
  • Photography
  • Textiles
  • Moving image content
  • Visual communication
  • Examples of ‘process work’
  • Developmental research and ideas
  • Written work
  • 1-3 examples of any other work (for example a project of no more than 10 pages) 
  • Please don’t submit work that uses digital drawing tools such as Procreate. We will not accept these submissions as we need to see your drawing ability.
  • When creating your portfolio from the tasks above, make sure you add information such as titles to make it clear and easy to understand.
  • Where necessary, add descriptive text to communicate important information. This might include materials you’ve used, processes etc.
  • We don’t need to see finished or professionally manufactured garments. We want to see examples of work that communicate your skills, even if they’re not complete.
  • If you have collaborated with someone else in your work, including a professional studio or organisation, please make this clear in your portfolio. 