伦艺动态| 坎伯韦尔艺术学-哪些课程增添申请视频要求?视频内容详细解读!

2021-11-17 来源:伦敦艺术大学北京代表处

如对申请要求等有不清楚的地方,请第一时间联系北京代表处核实。联系电话:010-8418 6785/ 6799/ 6755 / 6788
Camberwell College of Arts

 BA (Hons) Illustration 
 本科 插画专业 

  • We’d like you to submit a 2-3 minute video to help us learn more about you.
  • Please speak clearly in English and face the camera.
  • Your video task is submitted along with your portfolio. Read our guidance for how to submit your video task and which file types we accept. 
As part of your video task please respond to the following direction:
  • Talk us through a project telling us what you have learnt from it, and how/if you would like to take it further.
  • Tell us about something that has inspired you lately.
  • 学生需要提交一个2-3分钟的视频,以帮助面试官更多地了解你。
  • 需要正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
  • 视频将和作品集一起提交。
  • 阐述一个项目,并介绍你从中学到了什么,以及如何进一步完善该项目。
  • 讲述最近哪些事情激发了你的灵感。
 Graduate Diploma Illustration 
 硕士文凭 插画专业

  • We'd like you to submit a 2-3 minute video to help us learn more about you.
  • Please speak clearly in English and face the camera.
  • Your video task is submitted along with your portfolio. Read our guidance for how to submit your video task and which file types we accept. 
As part of your video task please respond to the following question:
  • If you are offered a place on this course, what would you like to have personally and creatively achieved by the end of the academic year? 
  • 学生需要提交一个2-3分钟的视频,以帮助面试官更多地了解你。
  • 需要正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
  • 视频将和作品集一起提交。
  • 如果你被此专业录取,你希望在学年结束时在个人成长、以及创造力方面能取得什么样的成绩或者成就?
 MA Designer Maker 
 硕士 设计与制作专业 

  • We'd like you to submit a 2-3 minute video to help us learn more about you.
  • Please speak clearly in English and face the camera.
  • Your video task is submitted along with your portfolio. Read our guidance for how to submit your video task and which file types we accept.
As part of your video task please respond to the following direction:
  • Select 2 things in your possession, one made by you, one not made by you. Spend 2 minutes showing and talking about the 2 objects, comparing the similarities, highlighting the differences, their interesting qualities and why you chose them. 
  • 学生需要提交一个2-3分钟的视频,以帮助面试官更多地了解你。
  • 需要正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
  • 视频将和作品集一起提交。
  • 在你拥有的物品中,选择2个:一个是你制作的,一个不是。用2分钟的时间来展示和讲述这2个物品,比较它们相同之处和不同之处,他们有趣的特点以及你为什么选择他们。
 MA Fine Art 
 硕士 纯艺专业 

  • We'd like you to submit a 2-3 minute video to help us learn more about you.
  • Please speak clearly in English and face the camera.
  • Your video task is submitted along with your portfolio. Read our guidance for how to submit your video task and which file types we accept.
  • Your video task will be different depending on which pathway you're applying to.
As part of your video task please respond to the following direction:
  • For MA Fine Art: Computational Arts, MA Fine Art: Drawing and MA Fine Art: Printmaking explain what your research intentions will be and what you're hoping to achieve on the MA.
  • For MA Fine Art: Photography and MA Fine Art: Sculpture introduce and explain your future research interests for your MA study. Describe how they form part of a project you can develop whilst studying in London.

  • 学生需要提交一个2-3分钟的视频,以帮助面试官更多地了解你。
  • 需要正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
  • 视频将和作品集一起提交。
  • 视频内容将根据学生申请的专业方向有不同要求。
  • 申请硕士纯艺:数字艺术、硕士纯艺:绘画和硕士纯艺:版画方向学生需要阐述你在硕士阶段的研究课题和目的以及希望通过硕士课程收获什么。
  • 申请硕士纯艺:摄影和硕士纯艺:雕塑方向学生需要介绍和讨论你在硕士阶段感兴趣的研究课题,并阐述在伦敦学习期间,这个课题如何发展和实现。
 MA Global Collaborative Design Practice 
 硕士 全球联合设计制作专业 

  • We'd like you to submit a 2-3 minute video to help us learn more about you.
  • Please speak clearly in English and face the camera.
  • Your video task is submitted along with your portfolio. Read our guidance for how to submit your video task and which file types we accept.
As part of your video task please respond to the following questions:
  • Tell a story about a complex problem you see in your local context. What makes it complex? Who is affected by the problem? Who benefits from this problem remaining unsolved? Describe how you might intervene in this problem through design.

  • 学生需要提交一个2-3分钟的视频,以帮助面试官更多地了解你。
  • 需要正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
  • 视频将和作品集一起提交。
  • 讲述一个你在当地环境中遇到或者了解到的复杂问题。是什么导致这个问题变得复杂?谁受到这个问题的影响?这个问题没有解决,谁会从中受益?阐述你如何通过设计来介入此问题。
 MA Graphic Design Communication 
 硕士 视觉传达设计专业 

  • We'd like you to submit a 2-3 minute video to help us learn more about you.
  • Please speak clearly in English and face the camera.
  • Your video task is submitted along with your portfolio. Read our guidance for how to submit your video task and which file types we accept.
As part of your video task please respond to the following questions:
  • What examples of graphic design communication practice are emerging in your country that move away from the limits of traditional commercial practice? Find one example and describe the new concept (45 seconds). Discuss how it influences your practice (60 seconds).

  • 学生需要提交一个2-3分钟的视频,以帮助面试官更多地了解你。
  • 需要正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
  • 视频将和作品集一起提交。 
  • 你生活的国家有哪些新的视觉传达设计实践,摆脱了传统商业的限制和束缚?举一个例子来说明,阐述其中的新概念(45秒),并讨论如何影响了你的设计实践(60秒)。
 MA Illustration 
 硕士 插画专业 

  • We'd like you to submit a 2-3 minute video to help us learn more about you.
  • Please speak clearly in English and face the camera.
  • Your video task is submitted along with your portfolio. Read our guidance for how to submit your video task and which file types we accept.
As part of your video task please respond to the following direction: 
  • We would like you to identify one project from your portfolio which challenged you and your understanding of illustration. Explain how this experience has inspired you to apply to MA Illustration at Camberwell College of Arts.

  • 学生需要提交一个2-3分钟的视频,以帮助面试官更多地了解你。
  • 需要正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
  • 视频将和作品集一起提交。
  • 从作品集中挑选一个对你以及对申请专业理解上富有挑战的项目进行阐述,说明该项目的经历如何激励了你申请此专业。
 MA Interior and Spatial Design及MA Interior and Spatial Design (Online) 
 硕士 室内与空间设计专业 

  • We'd like you to submit a 2-3 minute video to help us learn more about you.
  • Please speak clearly in English and face the camera.
  • Your video task is submitted along with your portfolio. Read our guidance for how to submit your video task and which file types we accept.
As part of your video task please respond to the following direction:
  • Please discuss the threshold between 2 spaces and what happens as you move across or through that threshold. 

  • 学生需要提交一个2-3分钟的视频,以帮助面试官更多地了解你。
  • 需要正视摄像头,使用英语清楚流利的进行说明。
  • 视频将和作品集一起提交。
  • 请定义和讨论两个空间的threshold,以及当你across和through这个threshold的时候,会发生什么。

  • 图片:bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, png
  • 音频:mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, wma
  • 视频:avi, mp4, mpeg, mkv, mov, wmv
  • 4000像素的高度或宽度
  • 512 mb
如对申请要求等有不清楚的地方,请第一时间联系北京代表处核实。联系电话:010-8418 6785/ 6799/ 6755 / 6788